The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Non-Profit Leadership
and Management states that “greater value can be created for organization,
individual, and society through collaboration (pg. 427). However, as we learned
from the following case studies, collaboration comes with challenges, some that
are unique between sectors.
Case 1: Timberland & City-Year - Profit
& Non-Profit Sectors
Timberland developed a desire
to give back to the community. When City Year reached out to them regarding a
boot donation, Timberland happily agreed. Over the years their partnership
evolved, with Timberland providing monetary donations, employee-service days
and a complete City Year uniform and product line.
Timberland was contributing to an organization they believed in while consumers
viewed them as a benevolent company. City Year could provide quality uniforms
to their volunteers, gain additional volunteer involvement without recruiting,
and fund many of its operations through Timberland’s donations.
Opportunities. As the partnership was desired, not necessary, both
organizations were able to select a partner aligned with their own mission. They
were able to leverage the brand name of the other, strengthening their own
Challenges. This relationship was highly dependent upon financial
security: a for-profit organization giving financial and time resources to a
non-profit. When Both organizations faced financial hardship in 1995, the
relationship became strained.
Case 2: Seattle Art Museum &
First Thing’s First - Non-Profit & Non-Profit Sectors
partnership between the Seattle Art Museum and First Thing’s First emerged as a
politically strategic move for the Museum. The organizations were competing for
funding. As a compromise, they banded together, creating a new mission of “Citizens
for a Better Seattle” and worked together to ensure that both organizations
could thrive.
Benefits. Both organizations
could secure funding.
Opportunities. The organizations could leverage each other’s resources
and gain support from new networks.
Challenges. They created a common-ground rather than recognizing one
that organically existed. With non-profit organizations, securing funding is
always a challenge. Partnering with a competing organization may cause internal
conflicts and confusion regarding how to optimize the partnership in a way that
benefits the organizations’ clients.
Case 3: The Department of Social
Services & La Alianza Hispana - Public & Non-Profit Sectors
partnership was proposed by DSS to La Alianza in an effort to improve their
services. DSS wanted La Alianza to take over social
service cases in the Hispanic community, services that they had not
historically delivered and which were not consistent with the organization’s
Benefits. DSS believed organizations with strong community ties would be
in a better position to understand and interpret family dynamics and troubles,
gain trust of families and appropriately intervene, therefore having Hispanic social
service cases handled in a more culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. If
La Alianza accepted the proposal they would keep their funding from DSS.
Opportunities. La Alianza could use its community ties to help DSS provide
better services, strengthening the community La Alianza serviced.
Challenges. There was no trust between the organizations because the
partnership was a one-sided proposal. There was poor communication between the
key stakeholders of each organization, leading to unclear roles and
A common
theme among these cases is that strategic planning is necessary to maximize the
value that can be gained from such partnerships. Doing a SWOT analysis can help
organizations realize their full potential and be proactive in facing crises. Partnerships
that rely on financial transactions should create a worst-case scenario action
plan in case funds become limited. It is clear that partnerships that emerge
organically, with the organizations’ mission and values in mind will be more successful.
However, no partnership can be successful if there is no trust and/or poor
Collaboration means to work with another. Regardless of
which sectors the partnership crosses, it is important to consider “…what might
be accomplished as a single entity that would not be possible for either
organization to achieve alone” (Yankey, Jacobus, Koney, pg. 38-41).
James E. and M. May Seitanidi. “Value Creation through Collaboration.” In Renz,
David (eds.), Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management.
Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
Pamela and Christine Lettis. “Partners in Child Protection Services: The Department
of Social Services and La Alianza Hispana.” Cambridge: Kennedy School of
Government. 1996.
John A., Barbara Wester Jacobus, and Kelly McNally Koney. “Merging Nonprofit
Organizations: The Art and Science of the Deal.” Cleveland: Mandel Center for
Nonprofit Organizations. 2001.